Open letter: Call for cooperation between all democratic parties!
October 2024 - Last Sunday marked a turning point in Austria: the far-right party FPÖ received the most votes. The rise of the far-right is due to emotional manipulation, fear and the offering of simple bogus solutions to complex problems. In view of the direct threat to our democracy, we are calling on all democratic parties in an open letter to work together and form a stable government without the FPÖ.

There are many reasons why the FPÖ should not be allowed into government - its dangerous proximity to Russia and the risk of international isolation is just one of them. Thus we are writing an open letter addressed to all democratic forces in Austria:
Dear representatives of the Austrian political parties,
It is with great concern that we have taken note of the recent events surrounding the funeral of a former FPÖ district councillor. According to media reports, a song that was used as an SS anthem during the Nazi era was sung at this event, which was also attended by high-ranking FPÖ officials.
As Volt Austria, we see it as our responsibility to draw attention to such incidents. The use of Nazi symbolism and songs is not only prohibited by law, but is also in blatant contradiction to the fundamental values of our democracy.
Strengthening democratic values
We would like to encourage all democratic forces to clearly distance themselves from such incidents and to work together to strengthen our democratic institutions. In times of increasing political polarization, it is more important than ever that we remember our common values and actively defend them.
Call for cooperation
We recommend that all democratic parties work together constructively to form a stable and effective government. Such a government should be clearly committed to the principles of the rule of law, human rights and European integration.
Volt Austria is ready to make a constructive contribution to the political debate and to help find solutions to our country's pressing problems. We are convinced that a positive future for Austria can only be shaped through open, respectful dialog and cooperation between all democratic forces.
Let us work together to strengthen citizens' trust in our democratic institutions and position Austria as a cosmopolitan, tolerant country at the heart of Europe.
Yours sincerely,
Volt Austria