Volt in Europe

European challenges need European solutions. National parties are reaching their limits and populist promises are jeopardising our peace.

That is why we founded Volt, a movement and party for the whole of Europe.

Volt in Europe

We are the first pan-European party

We make policies for a federal Europe across borders. In 31 countries, we encourage citizens to rethink and help shape politics at local, national and European level.

We are pan-European, pragmatic and progressive. Against the backdrop of shared values and goals, we ask bold questions and make realisable proposals to solve pan-European challenges.

Our vision

Our vision is a more democratic and transparent Europe that takes responsibility for us. That is why we want a united Europe with a true European democracy.

We want a strong European Parliament that can propose laws and elects a European Prime Minister who is accountable to our elected representatives. We want a genuine European government that acts in the interests of all Europeans to tackle problems together and seize opportunities.

European politics needs European parties and we are making a new European future electable. Now it's your turn.