Donations policy

Thanks to all our donors, even with the smallest donations!

Volt Austria is committed to upholding high ethical standards and transparency beyond the legal requirements when dealing with donations.

Donation and Transparency Guidelines:

According to § 2 Z5 PartG, a donation is any payment, benefit in kind or living subsidy that you - as a natural or legal person - grant us without receiving anything in return.

Donations (in the sense of the PartG) do not include, in particular, membership fees and donations in connection with events with a value of up to EUR 100 per person and event, insofar as these are not subject to the cash register obligation.

According to § 6 (6) of the Austrian PartG, we may only accept donations in accordance with the following requirements:

  • For donations that exceed a total of €2,500 per year, we are obliged to publish the identity of the donor.

  • We can accept a maximum of €7,500 per year from each donor.

Unfortunately, we are not allowed to accept your donation in the following cases (non-exhaustive list)

  • from public corporations,

  • from non-profit organizations as defined by the Income Tax Act and sports clubs,

  • from companies and institutions in which the public sector holds at least 25%,

  • from foreign natural or legal persons (also from other member states),

  • if they are made in cash and exceed €500,

  • from anonymous donors if the donation exceeds €500,

  • if the donation was recognizably forwarded by an unnamed third party, if it amounts to more than €500,

  • donations that are made in expectation of a consideration or a specific economic or legal advantage

  • Illegal donations are immediately forwarded to the Court of Audit.

A little side note: donations are not tax-deductible in Austria.