Support us in the next elections! 🚀

In Austria, registration for elections is still in the Stone Age: signatures for parties have to be submitted in person at the office, and within a relatively short period of time. This makes it difficult for small and new parties to take part in elections!

We think: This limits the choice for voters and harms democracy. We are setting up a special database for supporters so that we can collect enough signatures.

🔐 Note: Your data in this database will only be used to inform you about collecting signatures for future election applications in Austria. If you would like to receive further information from us, you can subscribe to our newsletter.

⏰ With your registration, we will inform you in good time before the next opportunity to sign for us.

Your click gets us on the ballot!

Enable our next election appearance in Austria so that you have more voting options and can find us on the ballot paper!

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Emanuel Klatzer

Communication Lead

Contact me if you would like to find out more about the database or if you have any general questions!

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