Your donation for a European, cosmopolitan Vienna
Be part of the Vienna campaign and help us send a clear signal in the direction of democracy, equality and cosmopolitanism. We make sure that Vienna remains what it has always been, one of the most beautiful cities in the heart of Europe
With your support, we want to achieve the first mandate for Volt Vienna in the 7th district - and thus also the first mandate for Volt in the whole of Austria. To achieve this goal, we need your support to increase our awareness and reach. To this end, we have defined a donation target. Every contribution brings us a decisive step closer to success!
At Volt, we are committed to progressive, fair and sustainable policies. With over 200 elected representatives and 30,000 members across Europe, this is already being implemented in many countries.
Our election program and our vision for Vienna includes:
Strengthening democracy through more political participation
Strengthening the economy through sustainable transformation for new and secure jobs
climate-friendly urban and transportation planning
an open, diverse, free society
the right to housing, health and education
Your donation helps to finance our election campaign to realize our common vision for Vienna!
How your donation works:
Public relations, flyers, posters: €3,000
Digital advertisements and social media campaigns: €1,000
Giveaways: €1000
Your commitment and your donation - regardless of the amount - will help us reach these milestones!
Bank transfer to:
Volt Austria
IBAN: AT66 1500 0005 0138 7849
Purpose: Vienna elections
Or use Buy Stripe
Important note
Donations over 150,-€ must be listed with personal information in the official campaign reporting.
Volt Austria thanks you in advance for your support and looks forward to opening another chapter with elected Volt representatives.