Volt against the "Patriots for Europe" group: A strong Europe for a strong future

The "Patriots for Europe" group was recently founded in the European Parliament. The main person responsible is also the European troublemaker on duty: Victor Orban. The plan of this nationalist group is simply to dissolve the EU as we know it. Among other things, this means dismantling the rule of law, corruption and restricting free media. Volt opposes this.

Jul 11, 2024

On July 8, 2024, the "Patriots for Europe" group was founded in the European Parliament on the initiative of Viktor Orban (Fidesz), Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) and Andrej Babiš (ANO party, formerly with Renew Europe). This group, consisting of nationalist, largely far-right and populist parties, openly aims to dismantle the European Union and establish a system of competing, completely independent nation states. Each of these remaining states should ideally be modeled on the "iliberal democracy" à la Orban - including the dismantling of the rule of law, the flourishing of corruption and the curtailment of free media. They want to dismantle the achievements that have brought us all decades of peace and prosperity on our continent. Spurred on by authoritarian dictators such as Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, who want to profit from the division of Europe, the "Patriots for Europe" are striving for a return to a past that they glorify - because this past never existed. So the vision is clear: "Back to the good old days when there was still security, no war, no migration - everyone was happy". But we, Volt Austria and Volt Europe, offer a future-oriented alternative to this backward-looking vision. Our vision is clear: the future rocks, and it will be pan-European.

The "Patriots for Europe" vision for Europe: A step backwards

The "Patriots for Europe" stand for the divisive, the advantage of a few - not the majority. This idea is not only nostalgic, but also dangerous. In a world that is increasingly globalized and interconnected, the fragmentation of Europe is not a solution, but a step towards isolation and weakness. It should be clear that countries like China are not really looking at us Europeans in a friendly way. The view is that of an adversary that wants to bring down and subjugate its opponent. Nothing more and nothing less is the view of today's Russia towards us. The Patriots for Europe parties are selling the concept of the "good old days" - in other words, the past. It should also be clear that fairy tales are being told here. There was never a "good old days". There was the constant threat of burning to death in the nuclear fire of the Cold War, the world was divided into two blocs - partly by physical walls, the poverty of today's emerging countries was indescribable and yes: there was also inflation - sometimes much higher than what is being discussed today. Not to mention LGBTQ+ rights and the emancipation of women. These considerations should make it clear why European integration, the European Union and its credo of "ever closing union" were set in motion in the first place. The poison of nationalism had sparked two devastating world wars - and it was precisely this nationalism that was to be overcome. The "good old days" that the so-called patriots propagate for Europe. But of course, the vision of a glorified past in which "everything was still good" is a catchy one - and not just for the older generation. The world is changing and that creates uncertainty. However, it should be clear that going back to the past is never a good answer to the challenges of the future.

Volt's vision: A united, strong Europe - a European republic

Volt, on the other hand, has a vision of a united Europe that empowers its citizens and gives them the opportunity to actively participate in shaping their future. We firmly believe that only a strong, united Europe - in short: a European republic - can effectively meet the challenges of our time - be it climate change, digitalization or global security. We don't just believe in this vision - we live it. It is practically in our DNA. In our European party organization, in our values, in our (joint) programmes. No one needs to be afraid of losing their "identity" in the creation of a European republic, as the "Patriots for Europe" would have us believe. It should be clear that if anything characterizes us, it is our regional identity. And the example of countless old European regions such as Tyrol shows that state reorganization does not mean the destruction of identity. In a common Europe, it would even be possible to preserve the diversity of historical regions much better than the old nation states ever could. The example of Tyrol rather shows that European nationalism has cut up, damaged and sometimes destroyed old regions.

Empowerment of European citizens vs. empowerment of nation states

While the "Patriots for Europe" are trying to put power back into the hands of the nation states, Volt is focusing on empowering European citizens. We want a Europe in which people have the opportunity to act, live and work freely across national borders, just as it is now possible in the nation states, and all within an orderly framework of (human) law. A Europe that listens to its citizens and involves them in decision-making processes.

A united Europe in response to global challenges

At a time when global challenges such as climate change, economic instability and geopolitical tensions are becoming ever more present, no single nation state can solve these problems alone. The model of the European nation state is more or less a concept of the past. So it is no wonder that the "Patriots for Europe" uphold this concept. Only through cooperation and solidarity can we create a sustainable and secure future for all Europeans. This will create a future worth living for all of us.

The future rocks - and it will be European

We at Volt Austria are convinced that the future belongs to a united Europe. We stand for a policy that builds bridges instead of erecting walls. If you feel the same way, then you can support us. To help us get on the ballot, sign up to our supporter database. When we have enough supporters either for the whole of Austria or for a province (or when we are collecting for future elections), you will receive an email with detailed instructions on how to fill out a declaration of support for Volt at your local magistrate's office. More information here. Of course you can also help us with a small donation or just join Volt - we look forward to hearing from you!