Electoral aid for Germany
Germany will elect a new Bundestag on 23.02.2025. Volt received just under 3% of the German electorate in the European elections and the party has grown since then. Nevertheless, it is not certain that Volt Germany will end up on the ballot paper in all federal states. You can find out why this is the case and how you can help here ->

In order to be admitted to the 2025 federal election, Volt needs signatures of support for every federal state in Germany - over 27,000 in total across Germany. Volt should do well in some federal states, but in others it could be tight and that would be a double shame. On the one hand, because the chances of winning direct mandates would be lost, and on the other hand, it would of course have a massive impact on the federal result if Volt could not run in all federal states and thousands of votes would be lost. Therefore, we urge you to help Volt in Germany to overcome this hurdle!
Do you know Germans living abroad in Austria? Then tell them about their opportunities to vote or refer them to this page! Or do you live in Austria but are from Germany? Then you will find instructions below on how to register on the electoral roll and submit a supporting signature.
Your signature will help to get Volt into the German Bundestag - and thus send a signal for a new policy throughout Europe!
Incidentally, this is not an obligation to vote for Volt in the Bundestag elections. The decision to vote is of course entirely up to you!
Step 1: Registering on the electoral roll
Who can vote?
Germans over the age of 18 who a) have not been out of the country for more than 25 years OR b) have a demonstrable interest in and level of involvement in German politics. The deadline for entry in the register is 2.2.2025, but it is better to submit the application as soon as possible and preferably at the same time as the supporter's signature, which must be in Germany by 29.12.2024! Here is the page from the Federal Foreign Office with all the information in detail: https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/de/2441404-2441404
How can I register for this?
Fill out the official form (there is a different form for people who have lived outside Germany for more than 25 years, please refer to the above website of the Federal Foreign Office):
You can send this form either by post or by e-mail directly to your former home community in Germany!
Step 2: Submitting a supporting signature
Who can submit a signature?
EVERYONE who is registered on the German electoral roll or has registered.
Step 1 - Download the form
Below you will find a file with the signature form to download for your federal state where you were last registered. If your first place of residence was in NRW, for example, you must complete the form for NRW.
Step 2 - Print out double-sided
Please print out the form double-sided (the data protection declaration must be on the back, otherwise the signature is invalid). Otherwise, please sign both sides and staple them together.
Step 3 - Fill in the upper part
You only need to fill in the top section. This includes your first name, surname, address, date of birth, signature and the date. Please make sure that all fields are filled in correctly and legibly. The information will be checked by the Residents' Registration Office and incorrect - or illegible - information will result in an invalid signature.
Attention: After the address, please also add the place where you are registered in the electoral roll, i.e. where your last place of residence was in DE! For example (electoral roll: 46045 Oberhausen) so that your signature can be forwarded to the correct office.
The lower section “Certificate of the right to vote” is filled in by the competent authority. Please do not fill in anything here!
Step 4 - Send us the signature form (by December 29, 2024 at the latest)
You can send the signed forms to your federal state by letter to the address below by December 29, 2024. It is important that you send us the original! Unfortunately, scanned forms are not valid!
Click here for the forms for your federal state!
Baden-Württemberg: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Forms for candidates in the constituencies hier
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Baden-Württemberg
Christiane Fichter
Seelochweg 1
78112 St. Georgen im SchwarzwaldBayern: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Forms for candidates in the constituencies hier
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Deutschland Landesverband Bayern
Welserstraße 33
81373 MünchenBerlin: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Berlin
Schwedter Str. 1
10119 BerlinBrandenburg: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Berlin
Schwedter Str. 1
10119 BerlinBremen: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Forms for candidates in the constituencies hier
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Clemens Nitschke
Pappelstr. 49
28199 BremenHamburg: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Hamburg
Postfach 920611
21136 HamburgHessen: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Forms for candidates in the constituencies hier
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Deutschland Landesverband Hessen
Postfach 10 31 50
60101 FrankfurtMecklenburg-Vorpommern: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Deutschland
c/o D. Vorpahl
Möllner Straße 6
19057 SchwerinNiedersachsen: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Forms for candidates in the constituencies hier
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Niedersachsen
Emsteker Str. 33
49661 CloppenburgNordrhein-Westfalen: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Nordrhein-Westfalen
Haroldstrasse 24
40213 DüsseldorfRheinland-Pfalz: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Forms for candidates in the constituencies hier
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Deutschland Landesverband Rheinland-Pfalz
Güterstraße 51a
54295 TrierSaarland: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Forms for candidates in the constituencies hier
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Deutschland Landesverband Saarland
Bismarckstraße 74
66121 SaarbrückenSachsen: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Forms for candidates in the constituencies hier
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Sachsen
Postfach 320103
01013 DresdenSachsen-Anhalt: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Sachsen-Anhalt
c/o Andy Große
Nordstr. 7
06842 Dessau-RoßlauSchleswig-Holstein: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Landesverband Schleswig-Holstein
Niemannsweg 18
24105 KielThüringen: Formblatt für die Landesliste
Please send the original signed forms to this address:
Volt Thüringen
Postfach 450117
99099 Erfurt
Thank you for your support!