Volt @ Climate Protest + Meet & Greet Wahlkabine Edition

Aug 9, 2024 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Schwarzenbergpl. 15, 1010 Wien (or at 7pm Stiftgasse 10/1)

Please register here!

Have you heard about Volt and want to know who we are and what we're up to? Do you have ideas to improve the political landscape in the EU and in Austria, but don't know where to start? Are you progressive, pragmatic and solution-oriented?

Then you've come to the right place!

❗Before we meet in our office, we will take part in the world climate strike together. Join us for the big demonstration, just 9 days before the National Council elections! We will meet at the office at 7 pm - for all those who cannot attend the demonstration.

👋 Shortly before the National Council elections, we want to answer and discuss the questions of wahlkabine.at together in the Volt office. We are looking forward to exciting discussions on the individual questions and a nice evening.💜

👥 Your Volt team in Vienna is looking forward to an exciting exchange with you.

Come along and be part of our community - we can't wait to see you!

Bring us onto the ballot!

Would you like to see Volt on your ballot next time? Then register in our supporter database and we'll let you know when we're collecting signatures for the ballot!